Page name: Sick of Posers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-12 03:19:10
Last author: mwhisper
Owner: #9437
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This wiki is solely for people to blow off steam about all these goth/punk posers out there who seem to think that the more needles they can shove into their bodies, the better they are. Share your feelings, experiences, and ideas about this subject, even if you disagree.

-[angel of the shadows]
-[apple babble]
-[peace4all_monkey]meep meep! i like peircings but im not a poser!YAY ME!!(only like ears and belly buttons though)
-[Gabba Gabba Hey] wearing black and having peircings doesnt make u anything *cough cough* gothic
-[mwhisper] just cause people dress in black doesn't mean they are posers there just expressing there selfs cause i mean life cant always be about colorful rainbows and all the other stuff life is very depressing but how would you's people know cause yall dont know anything about us

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2004-07-10 [xxchromosomes]: teenagers today are so friggin stupid!!! there are so many teens out there that think that being gothic means you wear black...but there is so much more to it than that. if you don't know what something's best to keep your mouth shut unless asking questions.(byw, i'm a teen that is accused of being gothic or a poser. i am nothing of the kind. i'm simply dani and i would like to be able to go through high school without having to deal with posers...not that i can do anything about it)

2004-07-10 [#9437]: As I've said a million times before, I never understood why some of these people judge how great they are by how many needles they can stick in their body. It's like the more "punk" you are, the more you resemble a porcupine.

2004-07-10 [Moonaunie]: i think the posers r the ones that judge how gothic or punk u are and don't realize that the mask of reality isn't the only thing u should look at. It's the person behind the mask and by judging the mask ur not reallly judging the persona and it doesn't matter how gothic u loook or how punk u might seem to the world it's the person inside that's reallly gothic or really punk or watever... and i'm a teen and i'm not stupid as most stereoypical ppl seem to think every teen is... so posers are ones that not those who don't look beyond and understand but those who refuse to loook beyond reality mask that everyone wears but also judge that mask to be the person behind it.

2004-07-10 [#9437]: I know for a fact that not every teen is stupid. I don't even think many teens are stupid. I'm a teen myself. And I also won't say that posers are stupid. I just can't stand the way they CRAVE attention and pretend to be all rebellious when they've got no reason to rebel, when they have a family who loves them and provides them with what they need. Another thing i say that gets misinterprited often, i should make it clear that i DON'T BELIEVE ALL GOTHS AND PUNKS ARE POSERS! And I never ever point someone out specifically as a poser. But at least this way hopefully some of those posers will realize they are being posers and begin to be themselves.

2004-07-10 [Dumnorix]: Achtung. Scientific experiments have revealed that the abovementionned posers lack cerebral cortex. Their actions should therefore not be treated as intentionally annoying, but completely random... Let's get them, lads! Genocide! Huzza! Now seriously chaps, these halfwits are an insult to all self-respecting goths. Take no prisonners.

2004-07-12 [hallolizzie]: Personally, (no insult intended) i think there is no "goth", "punk", etc. Gothic and punk are NOT states of minds or lifestyles, they ARE fashions and styles of music. If you're very ARGH, dark, kill preps or're not goth. You just have a...somber... outlook on life. Same goes for punk. Just cuz you hate the government and don't care waht people think, you're not punk. You're an anarchist and an independent person. (Good for you) However: On the aspect of the whole “Oh I’m suicidal look at the cuts on my arm” yeah. I agree with you. Kill them. If they hurt so much they wouldn’t go around showing it off to everyone.

2004-07-12 [#9437]: That's so true.

2004-07-12 [hallolizzie]: Oh... and the only reason I said that is because it the text at the top of the page said it was ok. And you knwo if the text says it... it's gotta be kosher... Didn't say it to piss anyone off...

2004-07-12 [#9437]: To be completely and totally fair, the term "poser" wouldn't just apply to people who say they're goth and punk. I mean there are preppie posers and skater posers, Christian or religious posers, etc. The only reason they are a poser is because they call themselves one thing just to satisfy or get the attention of everyone around them, when in fact they are a completely different person and refuse to show it.

2004-07-12 [Dumnorix]: Mitochondria_Eve -- Although your modern interpretation of the term "goth" may to some seem rational, I must warn people that it is not correct. It IS a synonym of dark and tenebrous, as even centuries before, in literature it was (and still is) used to describe such ambiances, and in classical music to describe lugubrious/depressing/melancholic pieces (for instance, McBeth's Gothic Overture) And long before, in the late medieval times, goth was an architectural style whose uncanny stone construction would inspire the later movements. Therefore: Is it some dumb kids who dress in black who shall actually redefine the word "goth" and impose their interpretation of it, or perhaps, as...

2004-07-12 [Dumnorix]: (continues)...Etymology dictates, it would designate more of an essence and a state of mind? Obviously, to allow those silly posers to distort the English language would be appalling, and, therefore, I stand my ground in that Goth is, above all, a state of soul. The dumb kids may say whatever they want.

2004-07-12 [#9437]: ah, Von Moss and his eloquence. But despite your trying to teach, I actually learned something. I didn't really know all that. Interesting.

2004-07-12 [Dumnorix]: Thus spoke Von Moss, Ph.D in Gothism, professor at Oxford Goth University.

2004-07-12 [#9437]: If there WAS a gothism class, you would definitely be the one teaching it, wouldn't you?

2004-07-12 [Dumnorix]: Who said there wasn't?

2004-07-12 [#9437]: Well I'll be sure to major in your class as soon as i get accepted into Oxford.

2004-07-14 [Dumnorix]: In fact, I used to be Professor of Gothism at Oxford gothic University but have now moved on, and am working with the United Nations at the high commission of gothic affairs...

2004-07-22 [Dumnorix]: This place is dead, dead I tell you! Run to the hills!

2004-07-22 [#9437]: You're right. How should we get the word about this place out there?

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